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Comparison is the thief of contentment. It robs us of enjoying the treasures that God has given to us.

The reality is that, no matter your level in life, there are people who wish they are like you!

I recall the lyrics of a song we sang in primary school which goes like,

“Rich men envy the poor men.
Poor men envy the rich.
Hallelujah therefore what is the sense in envying your neighbor.”

Comparison usually disguises itself as ambition. This is the difference:

Comparison makes you unhappy for the person; whilst ambition rejoices with the person, and inspires you to reach the next level.

READ Luke 15:11-21

Though he stayed home, the elder brother in the prodigal son parable was bitter about his brother’s behavior. When his father blessed the brother for coming back, he began to compare himself with his brother. The father had to remind him(vs. 31) that the greatest blessing he had was his father’s presence; and secondly, his inheritance was intact. This is what the father said in the New Living Translation,

"Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours." (Luke 15:31)

He chose not to enjoy the wealth available to him in the house, because he was looking at the little attention his brother was getting.

The younger brother came back when he realized that his source of provision was in the presence of his father. He came back with the willingness to be a servant just to be in his father’s house(vs. 19).

The keys to overcoming comparison are:

  1. Being grateful for what you have, and knowing that it is God’s gift; then asking God to help you get the other things you need.
  2. Seeing other people’s achievements as God’s grace, and being happy for them, wishing them well, and praying for them to be more blessed.

God’s grace is sufficient to meet our needs, and provide for all of us.

Yes, enough to go round!

"And He said to them, 'Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.' " (Luke 12:15)


  1. How has comparison affected your lifestyle and decisions?
  2. Write the good things God has done for you and thank Him.

Pray that the Father helps you to overcome comparison so you can enjoy the life God has given you, and also be a blessing to others.

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