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I have seen many people simply refuse to come to church because they got pregnant, or impregnated someone; outside wedlock. Most of them never return!

When you talk to them, they would usually tell you they cannot bear the judgmental looks, and the associated gossip and shame, they receive from colleague church members; even those who are co-fornicators! Their “sin” then seems not to be fornication, but rather showing its fruits visibly! It is very confusing, and also very worrisome.

I don’t condone fornication in any form. But compared to others, the sin of fornication gets a disproportionately high attention in the church; almost making it look like it is the only sin! Others, like unforgiveness, gossip, jealousy, anger, selfishness, envy, idolatry, slander, backbiting, covetousness, adultery, using the Lord’s name to commit all kinds of crimes, and all the kinds of stealing(even stealing from the church!), are not considered as grave!

I believe it is time for us to stop the disproportionate categorization, and call sin sin; and also put structures in place to Biblically restore those that fall off among us. The classifications of some sins as “small sins” and others as “big sins” is very dangerous! I think it is one of the enemy’s schemes to focus our attention on one sin, and take our attention from the others; and ultimately surprise us in hell!

Apart from that, the enemy is also using the delusionary “righteous people” to scatter the flock; by using them to taunt, ridicule, despise and condemn those that are caught up in fornication, and other allegedly “serious” sins, and their vagaries! What do we achieve when we harass our own brothers and sisters out; then use evangelism funds to chase others!

What does Bible tell us about those who are caught in sin?

READ Galatians 6:1-2

“Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.  Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:1-2 NKJV)

Bible is very clear:

1. If we find anyone in a trespass; those who are spiritual should restore such “in a spirit of gentleness” (helping them back empathetically; without  judging, criticizing and gossiping and  being as confidential as doctors so much so that  the person can see how much we care and want to help)!

2. We should watch out so that we would also not “be tempted“! (This tells us we can all easily find ourselves in the same situation; and helps us not to be judgmental, feel too righteous, or ridicule. The slippery slope here is feeling self-righteous!)

3. We should bear the other’s burdens”, and so fulfill the law of Christ. (We need to help them go through this difficult period of their lives, and feel their pain with them; and not make the pain worse!)

Jesus demonstrated how graceful He is when he told the woman caught in adultery,

“Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more!” (John 8:11)

We need to be patient, kind and gentle like our Master; because if He should tell us,

“He who is without sin among you, let him throw the first stone at her.”

We would embarrassingly realize we are all the same!


” Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)


1. Are you tempted to judge and despise someone found in sin?

2. Why don’t you rather help them back, because that is what Jesus would do?


Pray that God helps you to be helpful, instead of harmful, to those found in sin.

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