Who Is On The Lord’s Side

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Methodist hymn 820 (GBH 132), entitled “Who is on the Lord’s side” was written by Frances Ridley Havergal. Frances Havergal was an English religious poet and hymn writer. Simply and sweetly she sang the love of God, and His way of salvation. Her poems are permeated with the fragrance of her passionate love of Jesus. “Take My Life and Let it Be” and “Thy Life for Me” (also known as “I Gave My Life for Thee”) are two of her best known hymns. She also wrote hymn melodies, religious tracts, and works for children.
When aged 16, she wrote:
“I committed my soul to the Saviour, and earth and heaven seemed brighter from that moment.”
Here are the first 4 stanzas of “Who is on the Lord’s side”
1. Who is on the Lord’s side? Who will serve the King?
Who will be His helpers, other lives to bring?
Who will leave the world’s side? Who will face the foe?
Who is on the Lord’s side? Who for Him will go?
By Thy call of mercy, by Thy grace divine,
We are on the Lord’s side—Savior, we are Thine!
2. Not for weight of glory, nor for crown and palm,
Enter we the army, raise the warrior psalm;
But for love that claimeth lives for whom He died:
He whom Jesus saveth marches on His side.
By Thy love constraining, by Thy grace divine,
We are on the Lord’s side—Savior, we are Thine!
3. Jesus, Thou hast bought us, not with gold or gem,
But with Thine own lifeblood, for Thy diadem;
With Thy blessing filling each who comes to Thee,
Thou hast made us willing, Thou hast made us free.
By Thy grand redemption, by Thy grace divine,
We are on the Lord’s side—Savior, we are Thine!
4. Fierce may be the conflict, strong may be the foe,
But the King’s own army none can overthrow;
’Round His standard ranging, vict’ry is secure,
For His truth unchanging makes the triumph sure.
Joyfully enlisting, by Thy grace divine,
We are on the Lord’s side—Savior, we are Thine!
“Who is on the Lord’s side” was inspired by Exodus 32:25-26.
READ Exodus 32:25-67.
“When Moses saw that the people were running wild (for Aaron had let them run wild, to the derision of their enemies), then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said,
‘Who is on the Lord’s side? Come to me!’
And all the sons of Levi gathered around him.
(Exodus 32:25-26 NRSV)
In this story, Moses had gone up mount Sinai to collect the ten commandments. When the Israelites realized he had delayed, they prevailed on Aaron to make a god for them. So Aaron gathered all their earrings (part of plunder God blessed the Israelites with when leaving Egypt! – Exodus 12:35-36); and Aaron made a golden calf for them. And the people declared:
“These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt!”
And they began to worship, make sacrifices to the golden calf; and celebrated.
The Lord wanted to go down and destroy them all, and create a nation out of Moses alone! But Moses pleaded for the people; telling God what the Egyptians would say if they hear He had destroyed His own people, and reminding Him of his promises to Abraham, Isaac and Israel (Jacob). The Lord changed His mind.
But when Moses saw what was happening himself, he broke the tablets of commandments he was carrying in anger! He then destroyed the golden calf!
But Bible says when Moses saw how wild the people had become; to the contemptuous ridicule and mockery of their enemies; he stood at the gate of the camp and asked:
‘Who is on the Lord’s side? Come to me!’ (vs. 26)
Three thousand people were killed that day!
Who is on the Lord’s side today? The idols today are not made of gold, and are not formed as a calf! They are fame, wealth, power, cars, pleasure, influence and self exaltation! God has blessed us with some of these things, and they are not bad in themselves; but they become bad and dangerous when they are exalted above God – the One who is able to destroy all things!
Who is on the Lord’s side today? Come join me sing, “Who is on the Lord’s side.”
“Who is on the Lord’s side? Come to me!” (Exodus 32:26).
1. Have you been blessed by God?
2. Are the things God has blessed you with taking His place, and replacing Him in your life?
Merciful Father, please forgive me for being drawn away by the things you have blessed me with. Please draw me back to Your side.
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