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I read something from my friend Omotayo’s status recently which said, 

“If the devil cannot make you bad; he will make you busy!

No time for prayer.

No time for Bible reading.

No time for devotional.

No time for church.

But you have all the time for other things.”

There are two reasons I find the above interesting:

  • First, we don’t appear to be overtly sinning when you stop praying, reading your Bible, having your devotions, going to church.
  • Second, the lack of these activities weaken us spiritually for the final kill! 

These are the reasons:

  1. Not praying breaks your communion and fellowship with God.

2. Not reading your Bible distances you from God’s will and promises.

3. Not having your devotions destroys your regular spiritual nourishment.

4. Not going to church breaks your bond with other believers who will support, encourage and intervene on your behalf; making it easy for the enemy to isolate and destroy you!

My own version of the statement above will then read:

“If the devil cannot make you bad; he will make you busy first; then make you bad when you are busy, and destroy you when you become bad!”

READ Luke 4: 12-13

“And Jesus answered and said to him, 

It has been said,

‘You shall not tempt the LORD your God.’

Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an OPPORTUNE TIME. (Luke 4:12-13)

The enemy never rests! He is always looking for opportunities to snatch us from God’s will; and destroy us!

In a radio sermon this morning by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, he told the tragic story of a young lady, who left the church. She came back later, but had then been infected with HIV!

Interestingly, HIV; and not praying, not reading our Bible, not having regular devotions and not going to church; have a lot in common!

HIV weakens our physical immune system for other diseases to kill us! Not praying, not reading your Bible etc. weakens our spiritual immune system and protection; and gives the enemy the “opportune time” he is looking for, so he can also infect us with demons, and destroy us!

The enemy prowls around hungrily, restlessly and stealthily; looking for an opportunity ( 1 Peter 5:8).

We need to be on guard.


“We are not unaware of his schemes.” (2 Corinthians 2:11)


1. Have you become so busy, you don’t have time to pray, read your Bible, have your devotions and fellowship with the brethren?

2. Do you know you are being isolated for the ultimate kill, and destruction?


Father Almighty, please help us not to drift away from Your loving and protective presence.

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By nature, we are all sinful, and alienated from God. We ultimately face the wrath of God!

But God in His mercy and love gives us a chance to reverse this trend, join His family, be part of His household, and become His children.

The first step to becoming a member of God’s household is for us to be saved. 

Salvation comes through accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Personal Savior.

It is a very personal decision. No one can make for you.

If you make that decision today, there will be great singing and rejoicing in heaven; because one new member has joined the family and household of God!

Do you want to make that decision today?

Please visit “The Believer’s Prayer” for guidance if you want to make that decision.

We will be happy to hear from you through the contact information on that page.

God richly bless you


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We would not have gotten here without your prayers, goodwill and overall support. We are grateful, and humbled.

We thank God for counting us worthy to share in His Great Commission; and we thank you for sticking with us through this journey.

God richly bless you.

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