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“God says,

‘You have spoken hard, rude words to me.’

You ask, 

‘When did we ever do that?’

‘When you said,

“It doesn’t pay to serve God. What do we ever get out of it? When we did what He said and went around with long faces, serious about God-of-the-Angel-Armies, what difference did it make?

 Those who take life into their own hands are the lucky ones. They break all the rules and get ahead anyway. They push God to the limit and get by with it.”’

 Then those whose lives honored God got together and talked it over. God saw what they were doing and listened in. A book was opened in God’s presence and minutes were taken of the meeting, with the names of the God-fearers written down, all the names of those who honored God’s name.

God-of-the-Angel-Armies said,

‘They’re mine, all mine. They’ll get special treatment when I go into action. I treat them with the same consideration and kindness that parents give the child who honors them. Once more you’ll see the difference it makes between being a person who does the right thing and one who doesn’t, between serving God and not serving him.’”

The above sounds like something from a drama piece; but is actually Malachi 3:13-17 rendered from The Message (MSG) Bible.

There are a lot of people who are frustrated and disenchanted about the exploitation going on currently, especially in the name of God; and some have become scathingly critical of anything related to God. Others have actually given up not just on God, but on religion as a whole!

They don’t believe a God that is as loving, righteous, and Holy — as Bible wants us to believe — will allow such evil to thrive; and allow His name to used, abused, misused, exploited, twisted and manipulated; to fleece faithful adherents the way it is happening currently!

Evil is thriving, and God seems to be very quiet! The unrighteous seem to prosper; and even use God’s name to promote, and justify their unrighteous wealth! And God is silent, or so it seems!

The intro text above was part of God’s responses towards Israel, through the prophet Malachi. In those times, the righteous were also upset that evil thrived; and said it didn’t pay to serve God; and that those who broke all the rules got ahead; and pushed God to the limit but got by with it! Indeed the closing verse of the previous chapter said,

“You make God tired with all your talk.

‘How do we tire him out?’ you ask.

By saying,

God loves sinners and sin alike. God loves all.’ And also by saying, ‘Judgment? God’s too nice to judge.’” (Malachi 2:17 MSG)

 But God assured them that those whose lives honored Him would receive special treatment once His judgment starts. He said it would be the same consideration parents give a child who honors them! (The book of Malachi — just 4 chapters — is a good read for those who have problems with God’s perceived passivity).

Jesus gave us a glimpse, using a parable to illustrate how God handles these things, in Matthew 13:24-30. God is only patient, but never passive! He said in Malachi 3:5 (MSG)

 “Yes, I’m on my way to visit you with Judgment. I’ll present compelling evidence against sorcerers, adulterers, liars, those who exploit workers, those who take advantage of widows and orphans, those who are inhospitable to the homeless—anyone and everyone who doesn’t honor me.” A Message from God-of-the-Angel-Armies.”

But these have not happened yet because He is giving us time. 2 Peter 2:9 (MSG) says,

“Don’t overlook the obvious here, friends. With God, one day is as good as a thousand years, a thousand years as a day. God isn’t late with his promise as some measure lateness. He is restraining himself on account of you, holding back the End because He doesn’t want anyone lost. He’s giving everyone space and time to change.”

God’s patience is beyond human. But don’t be caught on the wrong side.


God isn’t late with his promise as some measure lateness. He is restraining himself on account of you, holding back the End because He doesn’t want anyone lost. He’s giving everyone space and time to change.” (2 Peter 2:9)


1. Are you frustrated that evil is thriving; and perpetrators seem to get away with it?

2. Do you know that with God, one day is as good as a thousand years, a thousand years as a day; that, He is just being patient for people to repent?


Father, please give us Your kind of patience, so that we can understand Your  love

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By nature, we are all sinful, and alienated from God. We ultimately face the wrath of God!

But God in His mercy and love gives us a chance to reverse this trend, join His family, be part of His household, and become His children.

The first step to becoming a member of God’s household is for us to be saved. 

Salvation comes through accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Personal Savior.

It is a very personal decision. No one can make for you.

If you make that decision today, there will be great singing and rejoicing in heaven; because one new member has joined the family and household of God!

Do you want to make that decision today?

Please visit “The Believer’s Prayer” for guidance if you want to make that decision.

We will be happy to hear from you through the contact information on that page.

God richly bless you


Thank you for visiting the Testimony Devotional Website

We would not have gotten here without your prayers, goodwill and overall support. We are grateful, and humbled.

We thank God for counting us worthy to share in His Great Commission; and we thank you for sticking with us through this journey.

God richly bless you.

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