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Views: 56I always make it a point to calmly explain why I am taking any punitive action against my children, and any child, to the child. I want them to know that even in punishing them, I do it in love; and want them to understand it that way, clearly.  Martin Luther King Jr. is […]

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Views: 58I have heard stories of people with very impressive salaries and other juicy conditions of employment, especially in the developed world; but who still end up neck deep in debt! The reason most of them give for their situation is that, the system is structured in such a way as to eventually take all […]

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Views: 70I was with my “twin brother” recently. He is actually my close friend. We’ve been very close since our early teens; and over the years, we’ve played prank on many people; that we are twins. Even his wife believed we were twins; till she saw that I use “Malm” as my surname, instead of […]

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Views: 70The hymn, “My faith has found a resting place” (or “I need no other argument”), GBH 161, was written by Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (E.E. Hewitt). Eliza Edmunds Hewitt, who uses the pseudonym “Li­die H. Ed­munds,” was born in Philadelphia on 28 June 1851. She was educated in the public schools and became a teacher […]

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Views: 878What is quiet time? When researching this, the first person whose definition I was interested in was Billy Graham. But I decided to keep it open; and I was rewarded not only with what Billy Graham thinks it is, but also a very good and concise research literature on it by Wikipedia. This is […]

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Views: 101I got up this morning thinking through some decisions I have to make about shipping some packages. I sat behind my computer still thinking. I realized I had two options; one could save me money, and the other could save me time. I quickly realized I needed to consider several other factors I could […]

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