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Views: 72The first time I saw the award-winning Spin Mop Dada by RenΓ© Innovations, the principle and  mechanism was so simple that I exclaimed: “Why didn’t I think of this before?” I am sure we have all had situations when we saw an innovation, a new business or a creative piece that looked so simple […]

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Views: 83We have often heard stories of how people get so shocked by the results of an election, examination, or other unexpected events, that some of them slump and collapse; and we often jest at such incidents because of the general perception of such people, especially politicians. When you talk to people close to such […]

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Views: 62The story of Joyce Carol Vincent inspired the 2011 film, “Dreams of a life,” the music album “Hand. Cannot. Erase,” the music band “Miss Vincent” with first single titled “No One Knew,” and a poem by poet Joel Sadler-Puckering! She was a British woman whose death went unnoticed for more than two years as […]

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Views: 80In the devotional entitled “Finitude“, the issue of how vulnerable man is, when it comes to pursuing and achieving his aspirations, was brought out strongly.  We have ambitions, we set goals and we plan. But we are not even guaranteed we would wake up tomorrow to meet the conditions that will facilitate the achievement […]

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Views: 66When I had to attend a retreat out of town recently, I started putting the items I felt I would need together, days in advance. But I got there and still realized I had forgotten a shoe I wanted to take along! I have come to observe that we prepare for almost everything in […]

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Views: 97I remember the first time I represented my basic school, Agomanya Methodist Middle School, in a quiz competition. We had a British school system then, and the American-type Junior High School(JHS) and Senior High School(SHS) concepts were then in their pilot phase to replace the legacy British systems inherited after independence. Each pupil in […]

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