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Views: 53“Father, not that I am worthy, yet you notice me.  Not that I am holy, yet you adore me. You shower me with love, and overwhelm me with mercy and grace.  You call me your special treasure, not because of anything I have done.  You call me your precious one, because of everything You […]

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Views: 95Charles V. Gerkin, Professor of Pastoral Theology  defines a crisis experience as follows: “An extreme or boundary situation in which the fundamental contradiction between human aspirations and finite possibilities becomes visible in such a way as to demand attention.”   Simply put, Gerkin is saying that the limits man has in fulfilling his aspirations is […]

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Views: 79There are so many things we take for granted. I saw a post on the profile of a friend, who is a medical statistician and a lecturer in public health, recently. It reads, “The hunger virus kills about 8,000 children a day, and the vaccine for it exists. It’s called ‘food’. But you won’t […]

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Views: 62While optimism is good, allowing it to make you live recklessly can be costly, and even fatal! There are several reports that indicate that some who got ill by Covid-19, and survived, went away with some life threatening, and sometimes terminal illnesses; make them more prone to die earlier than they were before.   […]

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Views: 291I got the call around 8.06 GMT yesterday, and the message was heartbreaking, “Have you heard that your classmate is dead?” “Who? What happened?” I shot back. The questions came out instinctively. I knew who he was talking about because we have only one mutual friend who was also my classmate. He told me […]

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Views: 87About 4 years ago, a family member had a situation that I quickly brushed aside as one of the usual attention seeking behaviours.  Having been newly married, we used to talk quite a bit; and I used to believe all the stories about difficulties with in-laws, animosity from co-tenants in the new home, and […]

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