Take Action
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During a war, after creating your strategy, you must be prepared to implement it; otherwise you could lose the war. King David, who was a great warrior, had three steps which worked for him at all times.
Step one was, he “Entered into his stronghold“; step two was he “Prayed the prayer of enquiry.“
We look at step three today. In this step he “Took action.” When God told David to do anything, He trusted that God would make it work. So he followed the plan down to the last detail.
Let us read it in 2 Samuel 5:19-24.
When David followed God’s plan everything worked well. In the second battle the enemy was expecting the same strategy as the first time so the new method gave them the edge of surprise.
God sees the bigger picture and has the upper hand therefore following Him puts us in the position to get His results.
A word of caution is that God’s plans are so simple that they are very easy to ignore or assume they are our own idea. For example, I was due to have an interview, so I prayed and asked God for help. I started revising the general principles I had forgotten. But I kept hearing just go through your CV. I kept ignoring it until the last minute. During the interview all questions came from the CV. Had I paused to look at it, then He would have given me the adjustments to make to my own plan.
Faith without obedient actions does not give results.(James 2:18)
How do you listen to God for His plan for you?
How are you going to work with His plan?
Father, I thank You for Your instructions on what to do in this time about where to go, who to speak to, which business to try, and innovative solutions in my career and family life. I thank You for the grace to follow in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
Every soul is valuable to God, far more than the entire world! But by nature, we are all sinful, and alienated from God, and we ultimately face his wrath!
God in His mercy and love made a way for us to remedy this. He gives us a chance to reverse this downward spiral to destruction, join His family, be part of His household, and become His children.
The first step to becoming a member of God’s household is for us to be saved.
Salvation comes through accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Personal Savior.
It is a very personal decision. No one can make that decision for you.
If you make that decision today, there will be great singing and rejoicing in heaven; because one new member has joined the family and household of God! A soul, much, much more valuable than the world, has been saved from destruction!
Do you want to make that decision today?
Please visit “The Believer’s Prayer” for guidance if you want to make that decision.
Then develop your new relationship with God through your Quiet Time.
Then find a Bible-Believing Church where you can Fellowship with like minded people.
We will be happy to hear from you through the contact information on that page, or the ones at the top of this page. Don’t delay. Make this very personal decision today!
God richly bless you
Thank you for visiting the Testimony Devotional Website.
We would not have gotten here without your prayers, goodwill and overall support. We are grateful, and humbled.
We thank God for counting us worthy to share in His Great Commission; and we thank you for sticking with us through this journey.
God richly bless you.
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