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Ezekiel 14:3
βSon of man, these leaders have set up idols in their hearts. They have embraced things that will make them fall into sin. Why should I listen to their requests?”
βSon of man, these men have set up their idols in their hearts, and put before them that which causes them to stumble into iniquity. Should I let Myself be inquired of at all by them?”
- Idolatory is a “State Of The Heart”.
- It is anything that We know will potentially lead us to sin, yet we are unwilling to let go.
The business, relationship, trip, entertainment, association, desire, conversation, emotion, view, activity, invitation, engagement, decision, feeling, participation, reward, position, appointment, promotion, thought, heritage, literature etc., that we know very well can lead us to sin; but we desire so much that we are unwilling to let go has become more valuable than our relationship with God. It has become an idol.
Some idols are very subtle.
Moses in Numbers 20 thought he was pleasing God, but was actually controlled by an idol called “anger”. So God in Numbers 20:12 told him:
βBecause you did not trust me enough to demonstrate my holiness to the people of Israel, you will not lead them into the land I am giving them!β
Peter, in Matthew 16:22-23, thought his intensions were honourable when he tried talking the Christ out of going to the cross, but he was being controlled by Satan himself (v.23).
Saul, before he became converted in Acts 9, thought he was pleasing God. But he was worshipping an idol called Judaism.
Idolatory in Africa refers to worship of physical and imaginary objects.
We can burn the wooden images, the clay objects, the amulets, whisks, talismans, and charms. We can even let the rivers, dry up, and not let the sun and moon rise again. If the heart of the person is not turned away from those things, we have not succeeded in helping the person out of idolatory.
When you change the heart, the physical manifestations go naturally.
So the questions today are:
π What idols do we have in our lives ( what things are we not letting go off, but know they can lead us to sin)?
π How are we dealing with the idols in our lives, and those of others?
π Father, I can see so many idols in my life. Please help me to trust you to handle everything concerning me. In Jesus’ name
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