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Views: 178*The blood that Jesus shed for me* *Way back on Calvary* *The blood that gives me strength* *From day to day* *It will never lose its power”* CHORUS _”It reaches to the highest mountain_ _It flows to the lowest valley_ _The blood that gives me strength_ _From day to day_ _It will never lose […]

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Views: 1This is a true story: A spouse introduced the partner to an ultra high yield investment scheme and convinced the partner not only to invest, but also divert some funds from the employers into it for quick turnaround, before depositing. The scheme collapsed shortly after and they lost all the funds! The spouse who […]

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Views: 0“If You Do Good…” God speaks to us in many ways, and there are many times I hear a song that does not explicitly quote the Bible, but it’s lyrics tell me it has a biblical message. One such song is Akwasi Ampofo Adjei’s “If you do good”. My best effort at reproducing and […]

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Views: 94Ezekiel 14:3(NLT)β€œSon of man, these leaders have set up idols in their hearts. They have embraced things that will make them fall into sin. Why should I listen to their requests?” (NKJV)β€œSon of man, these men have set up their idols in their hearts, and put before them that which causes them to stumble […]

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