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Views: 74I was fresh from engineering school with very optimistic and enthusiastic outlook on life. Life was one straight route full of opportunities, or so I thought; and I was excited! I got my first job, and had my first baptism of fire in office politics!  One of the managers, loved to be “worshipped,” and […]

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Views: 71I used to swim years back. I learnt breaststroke and freestyle, and was learning butterfly! I was so comfortable with my swimming skills that I virtually adopted the deep end of the swimming pool as my playground. But something happened one day: I was making some dolphin-like maneuvers at the deep end, and began […]

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Views: 80Wales, is where the story of the hymn “Guide me, O thou great Jehovah,” Methodist hymn 615 (GBH 119) took place. Wales is, traditionally, the land of song; and the Welsh people may probably be the most enthusiastic singers in the world. Everybody loves to sing in Wales and they sing just about everywhere: […]

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Views: 48I had a lot of energy around my house: a bubbly preadolescent boy, a witty funny and hyperactive 9-year old boy, and a cheer-leading five-year old girl who imitates and copies both boys! I often got so overwhelmed trying to keep them calm so they wouldn’t hurt themselves that I eagerly sought a plan […]

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Views: 55While studying at the dining area this dawn, I took an interest in some ants on the table. I realized they moved in random zigzag patterns. I also noticed that when one accidentally runs into the other, they pause briefly, as if sharing some information. A small research showed ants communicate using chirping sounds called […]

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Views: 39They believed God’s message and set a time when they would go without eating to show their sorrow. Then everyone in the city, no matter who they were, dressed in sackcloth. When the king of Nineveh heard what was happening, he also dressed in sackcloth; he left the royal palace and sat in dust. […]

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